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COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi Yönetimi: “Şimdi Ne Yapmalıyız?”

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 1 - 30, 09.05.2020


Tüm insanlık Aralık 2019’da Çin’in Wuhan kentinde ortaya çıkan ve tüm dünyaya yayılan COVID-19 pandemisi ile mücadele etmektedir. Bu virüs hasta bireylerden çoğunlukla damlacık yolu ile bulaşmakta olup ateş, öksürük, yorgunluk ve dispne gibi belirtilerle kendini göstermektedir. Hastalığın bulaştırıcılığının yüksek olması sebebiyle sıkı izolasyon ve hijyen önlemlerinin alınması gereklidir. COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında virüs bulaş riski ile en yoğun biçimde karşı karşıya olan grup, hastalıkla en ön safta mücadele eden sağlık çalışanlarıdır. Dil ve konuşma terapistleri de diğer sağlık çalışanları/profesyonelleri gibi pandemi sürecinde tüm dünyada ön saflarda hizmet vermekte olup hem hastayı hem kendisini koruması için aerosol üreten prosedürleri durdurması ve klinik uygulamaların türüne göre kişisel koruyucu ekipmanları kullanması gerekmektedir. COVID-19’un bazı kişilerde ağır seyretmesi nedeniyle hastalar yoğun bakımda tedavi görmektedir. Dil ve konuşma terapistleri yoğun bakımda da aktif çalışan sağlık uzmanıdır ve hastaların yoğun bakımda geçirdiği süreçte, hastaların yutma aspirasyon pnömonisi gibi değerlendirmelerin yürütülmesinin yanı sıra hasta ile sağlık personeli arasındaki iletişiminin sağlanması adına alternatif ve destekleyici iletişim sistemlerinin oluşturulmasında kritik rol oynarlar. COVID-19’a bağlı olarak bakıma ihtiyaç duyan hastaların birçoğunda akut solunum sıkıntısı sendromu gelişmekte ve hastalar uzun süreli mekanik ventilasyona ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Ventilasyon ihtiyacı ortadan kalkıp hastalar ekstübe edildikten sonra da ses ve yutma komplikasyonları açısından değerlendirilmeli ve gerektiğinde rehabilitasyon hizmeti sağlanmalıdır. Hastanede karşılaşılan yukarıdaki durumların yanı sıra, pandemi nedeniyle yüz yüze değerlendirme ve terapi yürütülmesinin mümkün olmadığı durumlarda teleterapi gibi uygulama adaptasyonlarına da ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu derleme ülkemizdeki dil ve konuşma terapistlerine COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında ve sonrasında birçok açıdan rehberlik etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yeni veri ve bilgiler edinildikçe güncellemeler yayınlanacaktır.


Makalenin gözden geçirilmesine katkıda bulunan Dr. Evra Günhan Şenol’a teşekkür ederiz.


  • Ajemian, M.S., Nirmul, G.B., Anderson, M.T., Zirlen, D.M. & Kwasnik, E.M. (2001). Routine fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing following prolonged intubation: implications for management. Arch Surg., 136(4), 434–437.
  • ASHA-American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2020a). SLP Service Delivery Considerations in Health Care During Coronavirus/COVID-19. (Erişim tarihi: 19.04.2020).
  • ASHA-American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2020b). Guidance to SLPs Regarding Aerosol Generating Procedures. (Erişim tarihi: 19.04.2020).
  • ASHA-American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2020c). Infection Control Resources for Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists. (Erişim tarihi: 19.04.2020).
  • ASHA-American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2020d). Telepractice. (Erişim tarihi: 19.04.2020).
  • Ben-Aharon, A. (2019). A practical guide to establishing an online speech therapy private practice. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 4(4), 712-718.
  • Bhatraju, P.K., Ghassemieh, B.J., Nichols, M., et al. (2020). Covid-19 in Critically Ill Patients in the Seattle Region - Case Series. N Engl J Med.
  • Boisvert, M. & Hall, N. (2014). The use of telehealth in early autism training for parents: a scoping review. Smart Homecare Technology and TeleHealth. 2, 19-27.
  • Brodsky, M. B., González-Fernández, M., Mendez-Tellez, P. A., Shanholtz, C., Palmer, J. B., & Needham, D. M. (2014). Factors associated with swallowing assessment after oral endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation for acute lung injury. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 11(10), 1545–1552.
  • Brodsky, M.B., Levy, M.J., Jedlanek, E., Pandian, V., Blackford, B., Price, C., et al. (2018). Laryngeal injury and upper airway symptoms after oral endotracheal intubation with mechanical ventilation during critical care: A systematic review. Critical Care Medicine, 46(12), 2010-2017.
  • Brodsky, M.B., Pandian, V., & Needham, D.M. (2020). Post-extubation dysphagia: a problem needing multidisciplinary efforts. Intensive Care Med, 46, 93–96.
  • Clark, R. R., Fischer, A. J., Lehman, E. L., & Bloomfield, B. S. (2019). Developing and implementing a telehealth enhanced interdisciplinary pediatric feeding disorders clinic: a program description and evaluation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 31(2), 171-188.
  • Clawson, B., Selden, M., Lacks, M., Deaton, A. V., Hall, B., & Bach, R. (2008). Complex pediatric feeding disorders: using teleconferencing technology to improve access to a treatment program. Pediatric Nursing, 34(3), 213-217.
  • Covert, L. T., Slevin, J. T., & Hatterman, J. (2018). The effect of telerehabilitation on missed appointment rates. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 10(2), 65.
  • CPLOL-Standing Liaison Committee of E.U. Speech and Language Therapists and Logopedists (2020). Speech-Language Therapy Practice During COVID-19 Emergency Crisis. Üye Ülkelere Gönderilen Bildirge Mektubu. (Erişim Tarihi: 23.04.2020).
  • DKTD-Dil ve Konuşma Terapistleri Derneği (2020a). Dil ve Konuşma Terapistleri için COVID-19 Pandemi Kılavuzu. (Erişim Tarihi: 23.04.2020).
  • DKTD-Dil ve Konuşma Terapistleri Derneği (2020b). COVID-19 ADİS Kartı. Hazırlayan: Daşdöğen, Ü. (Erişim Tarihi: 13.04.2020).
  • DKTD-Dil ve Konuşma Terapistleri Derneği (2020c). Dil ve Konuşma Terapisinde Tele-Terapi Uygulama Kılavuzu. Nisan 2020. (Erişim tarihi: 13.04.2020).
  • Doarn, C. R., Zacharias, S., Keck, C. S., Tabangin, M., DeAlarcon, A., & Kelchner, L. (2019). Design and implementation of an interactive website for pediatric voice therapy—the concept of in-between care: a telehealth model. Telemedicine and e-Health, 25(5), 415-422.
  • Douglas, S. N., Nordquist, E., Kammes, R., & Gerde, H. (2017). Online parent training to support children with complex communication needs. Infants & Young Children, 30(4), 288-303.
  • El Solh, A., Okada, M., Bhat, A., Pietrantoni, C. (2003). Swallowing disorders post orotracheal intubation in the elderly. Intensive Care Med., 29(9), 1451–1455.
  • Fu, S., Theodoros, D. G., & Ward, E. C. (2015). Delivery of intensive voice therapy for vocal fold nodules via telepractice: a pilot feasibility and efficacy study. Journal of Voice, 29(6), 696-706.
  • Goldsmith, T. (2000). Evaluation and treatment of swallowing disorders following endotracheal intubation and tracheostomy. Int Anesthesiol Clin., 38(3), 219–242.
  • Grogan-Johnson, S., Gabel, R. M., Taylor, J., Rowan, L. E., Alvares, R., & Schenker, J. (2011). A pilot exploration of speech sound disorder intervention delivered by telehealth to school–age children. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 3(1), 31.
  • Guan WJ., Ni Z., Hu Y., Liang W., Ou C., …, Zhong N. ark. (2020) Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China. N Engl J Med.
  • Hafner, G., Neuhuber, A., Hirtenfelder, S., Schmedler, B., & Eckel, H. E. (2008). Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing in intensive care unit patients. European archives of otorhinolaryngology: Official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS): Affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, 265(4), 441–446.
  • Karlsson, V., Bergbom, I., & Forsberg, A. (2012). The lived experiences of adult intensive care patients who were conscious during mechanical ventilation: A phenomenological-hermeneutic study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 28 (1), 6-15.
  • Lauer SA., Grantz KH., Bi Q., Jones FK., Zheng Q., …, Lessler J. ve ark. (2020) The Incubation Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) From Publicly Reported Confirmed Cases: Estimation and Application. Annals of Internal Medicine.
  • Lavoie, M., Macoir, J., & Bier, N. (2017). Effectiveness of technologies in the treatment of post-stroke anomia: a systematic review. Journal of Communication Disorders, 65, 43-53.
  • Leder, S. B., Warner, H. L., Suiter, D. M., Young, N. O., Bhattacharya, B., Siner, J. M., et al. (2019). Evaluation of swallow function post-extubation: is it necessary to wait 24 hours? Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 128(7), 619–624.
  • Lee, S. A. S. (2018). The treatment efficacy of multiple opposition phonological approach via telepractice for two children with severe phonological disorders in rural areas of West Texas in the USA. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 34(1), 63-78.
  • Liu Y, Gayle AA, Wilder-Smith A ve Rocklov J. (2020) The reproductive number of COVID-19 is higher compared to SARS coronavirus. J Travel Med, 27(2).
  • Liu, J., Zheng X., Tong Q., Li W., Wang B., … Yang D. (2020). Overlapping and discrete aspects of the pathology and pathogenesis of the emerging human pathogenic coronaviruses SARS‐CoV, MERS‐CoV, and 2019‐nCoV. Journal of Medical Virology, 92(5), 491-494.
  • Macht, M., King, C. J., Wimbish, T., Clark, B. J., Benson, A. B., Burnham, E. L., Williams, A., & Moss, M. (2013a). Post-extubation dysphagia is associated with longer hospitalization in survivors of critical illness with neurologic impairment. Critical Care, 17(3), R119.
  • Macht, M., Wimbish, T., Bodine, C., Moss, M. (2013b). ICU-Acquired Swallowing Disorders, Critical Care Medicine, 41 (10), 2396-2405. Macht, M., Wimbish, T., Clark, B. J., Benson, A. B., Burnham, E. L., Williams, A., & Moss, M. (2012). Diagnosis and treatment of post-extubation dysphagia: results from a national survey. Journal of Critical Care, 27(6), 578–586.
  • Malandraki, G. A., & Kantarcigil, C. (2017). Telehealth for dysphagia rehabilitation: the present and the future. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 2(18), 42-48.
  • Malandraki, G. A., Roth, M., & Sheppard, J. J. (2014). Telepractice for pediatric dysphagia: a case study. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 6(1), 3.
  • Marinschek, S., Dunitz‐Scheer, M., Pahsini, K., Geher, B., & Scheer, P. (2014). Weaning children off enteral nutrition by netcoaching versus onsite treatment: a comparative study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 50(11), 902-907.
  • Marvin, S., Thibeault, S., & Ehlenbach, W.J. (2019). Post-extubation dysphagia: does timing of evaluation matter? Dysphagia, 34, 210–219.
  • McGill, M., Noureal, N., & Siegel, J. (2019). Telepractice treatment of stuttering: a systematic review. Telemedicine and e-Health, 25(5), 359-368.
  • Molini-Avejonas, D.R., Rondon-Melo, S., Albuquerque de La Higuera Amato, C. & Samelli, A. G. (2015). A systematic review of the use of telehealth in speech, language and hearing sciences. J Telemed Telecare, 0(0), 1-21.
  • Naming the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the virus that causes it. https://www.who. int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/technical-guidance/naming-the-coronavirus-disease-(covid-2019)-and-the-virusthat-causes-it (Erişim tarihi: 19.04.2020).
  • Overby, M. S. (2017). Stakeholders’ qualitative perspectives of effective telepractice pedagogy in speech-language pathology. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. 00(0), 1-12.
  • Patel, D. A., Krishnaswami, S., Steger, E., Conover, E., Vaezi, M. F., Ciucci, M. R., & Francis, D. O. (2018). Economic and survival burden of dysphagia among inpatients in the United States. Diseases of the esophagus. Official Journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus, 31(1), 1–7.
  • Peter, B., Potter, N., Davis, J., Donenfeld-Peled, I., Finestack, L., Stoel-Gammon, C., ... & Yokoyama, H. (2020) Speech and language treatment: randomized pilot trial of the Babble Boot Camp in infants with classic galactosemia [version 3; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. F1000Research, 2020, 8:271
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  • Pullins, V., & Grogan-Johnson, S. (2017). A clinical decision making example: Implementing intensive speech sound intervention for school-age students through telepractice. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 2(18), 15-26.
  • Rangarathnam, B., McCullough, G. H., Pickett, H., Zraick, R. I., Tulunay-Ugur, O., & McCullough, K. C. (2015). Telepractice versus in-person delivery of voice therapy for primary muscle tension dysphonia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24(3), 386-399.
  • RCSLT-Royal College Speech Language Therapy (2020). Royal College Speech Language Therapy Guidance on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 (2020). (Erişim Tarihi: 13.04.2020).
  • Sayın, İ., Yazıcı, Z. M.; Öz, F., Akgül, A. (2020). COVID-19 Salgınında Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Perspektifi. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, Available online: 14 Apr 2020, DOI: 10.5336/medsci.2020-75313 (Erişim Tarihi: 19.04.2020).
  • Scheel, R., Pisegna, J. M., McNally, E., Noordzij, J. P., & Langmore, S. E. (2016). Endoscopic assessment of swallowing after prolonged intubation in the ICU setting. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 125(1), 43–52.
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  • Theodoros, D., Aldridge, D., Hill, A. J., & Russell, T. (2019). Technology‐enabled management of communication and swallowing disorders in Parkinson's disease: a systematic scoping review. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 54(2), 170-188.
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  • Weidner, K., & Lowman, J. (2020). Telepractice for adult speech-language pathology services: a systematic review. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 5(1), 326-338.
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Speech and Language Therapy Management during COVID-19 Pandemic: “What Should We Do Now?”

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 1 - 30, 09.05.2020


All humanity is struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, which appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and spread all over the world. This virus is mainly transmitted through droplets produced by the infected individuals and the illness manifests with symptoms such as fever, cough, fatigue and dyspnea. Due to the highly contagious nature of the disease, strict isolation and hygiene measures must be taken. Healthcare professionals who are fighting against COVID-19 at the frontline face the highest level of virus transmission risk during this pandemic. Speech and language therapists, confronting the pandemic at the frontline along with their fellow healthcare providers as professionals, are forced to stop carrying out certain procedures that produce aerosols to protect both themselves and the patients, and use personal protective equipment when required by the clinical practice undertaken, as well as applying other modifications to service provision procedures. Because COVID-19 has a severe impact on some patients, they are admitted to intensive care units. When that is the case, the SLP’s play a critical role in ensuring the communication between the patients and the healthcare personnel. As an example, the use of alternative and augmentative communication systems can be sustained during intensive care. In addition, many patients in intensive care units develop acute respiratory distress syndrome. These patients need long-term mechanical ventilation. After the patients are extubated, they need to be evaluated for voice and swallowing disorders. In addition to the above-mentioned roles SLPs undertake at hospital settings, when it is not possible to carry out face to face evaluation and therapy, clinical adaptations and teletherapy may be recommended. This review aims to guide speech and language therapists in our country in many ways during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, the review will be surely updated, in the light of the new developments.


  • Ajemian, M.S., Nirmul, G.B., Anderson, M.T., Zirlen, D.M. & Kwasnik, E.M. (2001). Routine fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing following prolonged intubation: implications for management. Arch Surg., 136(4), 434–437.
  • ASHA-American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2020a). SLP Service Delivery Considerations in Health Care During Coronavirus/COVID-19. (Erişim tarihi: 19.04.2020).
  • ASHA-American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2020b). Guidance to SLPs Regarding Aerosol Generating Procedures. (Erişim tarihi: 19.04.2020).
  • ASHA-American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2020c). Infection Control Resources for Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists. (Erişim tarihi: 19.04.2020).
  • ASHA-American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2020d). Telepractice. (Erişim tarihi: 19.04.2020).
  • Ben-Aharon, A. (2019). A practical guide to establishing an online speech therapy private practice. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 4(4), 712-718.
  • Bhatraju, P.K., Ghassemieh, B.J., Nichols, M., et al. (2020). Covid-19 in Critically Ill Patients in the Seattle Region - Case Series. N Engl J Med.
  • Boisvert, M. & Hall, N. (2014). The use of telehealth in early autism training for parents: a scoping review. Smart Homecare Technology and TeleHealth. 2, 19-27.
  • Brodsky, M. B., González-Fernández, M., Mendez-Tellez, P. A., Shanholtz, C., Palmer, J. B., & Needham, D. M. (2014). Factors associated with swallowing assessment after oral endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation for acute lung injury. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 11(10), 1545–1552.
  • Brodsky, M.B., Levy, M.J., Jedlanek, E., Pandian, V., Blackford, B., Price, C., et al. (2018). Laryngeal injury and upper airway symptoms after oral endotracheal intubation with mechanical ventilation during critical care: A systematic review. Critical Care Medicine, 46(12), 2010-2017.
  • Brodsky, M.B., Pandian, V., & Needham, D.M. (2020). Post-extubation dysphagia: a problem needing multidisciplinary efforts. Intensive Care Med, 46, 93–96.
  • Clark, R. R., Fischer, A. J., Lehman, E. L., & Bloomfield, B. S. (2019). Developing and implementing a telehealth enhanced interdisciplinary pediatric feeding disorders clinic: a program description and evaluation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 31(2), 171-188.
  • Clawson, B., Selden, M., Lacks, M., Deaton, A. V., Hall, B., & Bach, R. (2008). Complex pediatric feeding disorders: using teleconferencing technology to improve access to a treatment program. Pediatric Nursing, 34(3), 213-217.
  • Covert, L. T., Slevin, J. T., & Hatterman, J. (2018). The effect of telerehabilitation on missed appointment rates. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 10(2), 65.
  • CPLOL-Standing Liaison Committee of E.U. Speech and Language Therapists and Logopedists (2020). Speech-Language Therapy Practice During COVID-19 Emergency Crisis. Üye Ülkelere Gönderilen Bildirge Mektubu. (Erişim Tarihi: 23.04.2020).
  • DKTD-Dil ve Konuşma Terapistleri Derneği (2020a). Dil ve Konuşma Terapistleri için COVID-19 Pandemi Kılavuzu. (Erişim Tarihi: 23.04.2020).
  • DKTD-Dil ve Konuşma Terapistleri Derneği (2020b). COVID-19 ADİS Kartı. Hazırlayan: Daşdöğen, Ü. (Erişim Tarihi: 13.04.2020).
  • DKTD-Dil ve Konuşma Terapistleri Derneği (2020c). Dil ve Konuşma Terapisinde Tele-Terapi Uygulama Kılavuzu. Nisan 2020. (Erişim tarihi: 13.04.2020).
  • Doarn, C. R., Zacharias, S., Keck, C. S., Tabangin, M., DeAlarcon, A., & Kelchner, L. (2019). Design and implementation of an interactive website for pediatric voice therapy—the concept of in-between care: a telehealth model. Telemedicine and e-Health, 25(5), 415-422.
  • Douglas, S. N., Nordquist, E., Kammes, R., & Gerde, H. (2017). Online parent training to support children with complex communication needs. Infants & Young Children, 30(4), 288-303.
  • El Solh, A., Okada, M., Bhat, A., Pietrantoni, C. (2003). Swallowing disorders post orotracheal intubation in the elderly. Intensive Care Med., 29(9), 1451–1455.
  • Fu, S., Theodoros, D. G., & Ward, E. C. (2015). Delivery of intensive voice therapy for vocal fold nodules via telepractice: a pilot feasibility and efficacy study. Journal of Voice, 29(6), 696-706.
  • Goldsmith, T. (2000). Evaluation and treatment of swallowing disorders following endotracheal intubation and tracheostomy. Int Anesthesiol Clin., 38(3), 219–242.
  • Grogan-Johnson, S., Gabel, R. M., Taylor, J., Rowan, L. E., Alvares, R., & Schenker, J. (2011). A pilot exploration of speech sound disorder intervention delivered by telehealth to school–age children. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 3(1), 31.
  • Guan WJ., Ni Z., Hu Y., Liang W., Ou C., …, Zhong N. ark. (2020) Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China. N Engl J Med.
  • Hafner, G., Neuhuber, A., Hirtenfelder, S., Schmedler, B., & Eckel, H. E. (2008). Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing in intensive care unit patients. European archives of otorhinolaryngology: Official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS): Affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, 265(4), 441–446.
  • Karlsson, V., Bergbom, I., & Forsberg, A. (2012). The lived experiences of adult intensive care patients who were conscious during mechanical ventilation: A phenomenological-hermeneutic study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 28 (1), 6-15.
  • Lauer SA., Grantz KH., Bi Q., Jones FK., Zheng Q., …, Lessler J. ve ark. (2020) The Incubation Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) From Publicly Reported Confirmed Cases: Estimation and Application. Annals of Internal Medicine.
  • Lavoie, M., Macoir, J., & Bier, N. (2017). Effectiveness of technologies in the treatment of post-stroke anomia: a systematic review. Journal of Communication Disorders, 65, 43-53.
  • Leder, S. B., Warner, H. L., Suiter, D. M., Young, N. O., Bhattacharya, B., Siner, J. M., et al. (2019). Evaluation of swallow function post-extubation: is it necessary to wait 24 hours? Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 128(7), 619–624.
  • Lee, S. A. S. (2018). The treatment efficacy of multiple opposition phonological approach via telepractice for two children with severe phonological disorders in rural areas of West Texas in the USA. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 34(1), 63-78.
  • Liu Y, Gayle AA, Wilder-Smith A ve Rocklov J. (2020) The reproductive number of COVID-19 is higher compared to SARS coronavirus. J Travel Med, 27(2).
  • Liu, J., Zheng X., Tong Q., Li W., Wang B., … Yang D. (2020). Overlapping and discrete aspects of the pathology and pathogenesis of the emerging human pathogenic coronaviruses SARS‐CoV, MERS‐CoV, and 2019‐nCoV. Journal of Medical Virology, 92(5), 491-494.
  • Macht, M., King, C. J., Wimbish, T., Clark, B. J., Benson, A. B., Burnham, E. L., Williams, A., & Moss, M. (2013a). Post-extubation dysphagia is associated with longer hospitalization in survivors of critical illness with neurologic impairment. Critical Care, 17(3), R119.
  • Macht, M., Wimbish, T., Bodine, C., Moss, M. (2013b). ICU-Acquired Swallowing Disorders, Critical Care Medicine, 41 (10), 2396-2405. Macht, M., Wimbish, T., Clark, B. J., Benson, A. B., Burnham, E. L., Williams, A., & Moss, M. (2012). Diagnosis and treatment of post-extubation dysphagia: results from a national survey. Journal of Critical Care, 27(6), 578–586.
  • Malandraki, G. A., & Kantarcigil, C. (2017). Telehealth for dysphagia rehabilitation: the present and the future. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 2(18), 42-48.
  • Malandraki, G. A., Roth, M., & Sheppard, J. J. (2014). Telepractice for pediatric dysphagia: a case study. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 6(1), 3.
  • Marinschek, S., Dunitz‐Scheer, M., Pahsini, K., Geher, B., & Scheer, P. (2014). Weaning children off enteral nutrition by netcoaching versus onsite treatment: a comparative study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 50(11), 902-907.
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Collection

Seyhun Topbaş

Namık Yücel Birol

Hilal Berber

Beril Polat This is me

Berna Kırımtay This is me

Ayşegül Yılmaz

Publication Date May 9, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Topbaş, S., Birol, N. Y., Berber, H., Polat, B., et al. (2020). COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi Yönetimi: “Şimdi Ne Yapmalıyız?”. Dil Konuşma Ve Yutma Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 1-30.
AMA Topbaş S, Birol NY, Berber H, Polat B, Kırımtay B, Yılmaz A.COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi Yönetimi: “Şimdi Ne Yapmalıyız?.” DKYAD. May 2020;3(1):1-30.
Chicago Topbaş, Seyhun, Namık Yücel Birol, Hilal Berber, Beril Polat, Berna Kırımtay, and Ayşegül Yılmaz. “COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Dil Ve Konuşma Terapisi Yönetimi: ‘Şimdi Ne Yapmalıyız?’”. Dil Konuşma Ve Yutma Araştırmaları Dergisi 3, no. 1 (May 2020): 1-30.
EndNote Topbaş S, Birol NY, Berber H, Polat B, Kırımtay B, Yılmaz A (May 1, 2020) COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi Yönetimi: “Şimdi Ne Yapmalıyız?”. Dil Konuşma ve Yutma Araştırmaları Dergisi 3 1 1–30.
IEEE S. Topbaş, N. Y. Birol, H. Berber, B. Polat, B. Kırımtay, and A. Yılmaz, “COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi Yönetimi: ‘Şimdi Ne Yapmalıyız?’”, DKYAD, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–30, 2020.
ISNAD Topbaş, Seyhun et al. “COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Dil Ve Konuşma Terapisi Yönetimi: ‘Şimdi Ne Yapmalıyız?’”. Dil Konuşma ve Yutma Araştırmaları Dergisi 3/1 (May 2020), 1-30.
JAMA Topbaş S, Birol NY, Berber H, Polat B, Kırımtay B, Yılmaz A. COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi Yönetimi: “Şimdi Ne Yapmalıyız?”. DKYAD. 2020;3:1–30.
MLA Topbaş, Seyhun et al. “COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Dil Ve Konuşma Terapisi Yönetimi: ‘Şimdi Ne Yapmalıyız?’”. Dil Konuşma Ve Yutma Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-30.
Vancouver Topbaş S, Birol NY, Berber H, Polat B, Kırımtay B, Yılmaz A. COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Dil ve Konuşma Terapisi Yönetimi: “Şimdi Ne Yapmalıyız?”. DKYAD. 2020;3(1):1-30.