BibTex RIS Cite
Year 2023, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 193 - 211, 02.02.2024



  • Arboleda-Arboleda, A., & Castro-Garcés, A. Y. (2019). Fostering language learning in the university EFL classroom through literature: A task-based approach. GIST–Education and Learning Research Journal, (19), 101-127.
  • Alemi, M. (2011). The use of literary works in an EFL class. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 1(2), 177-180.
  • Baytar, İ. (2014). Integrating literature into an EFL setting: Turkish students’ attitudes towards the use of short story. Doctoral dissertation, Sakarya University.
  • Beğen, I. (2006). The critical thinking strategies that English literature teachers in private secondary schools use in their EFL English literature classes by exploiting literary texts. Marmara University
  • Bilgan, G. (2016). An investigation of students' approaches to studying and learning literature in ELT context. Master's thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Brumfit, C., & Carter, R. (Eds.). (1986). Literature and language teaching (Vol. 289). Oxford: Oxford university press.
  • Carter, R.A and Long, M.N, Teaching Literature, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991
  • Collie, J. & Slater, S. (1987). Literature in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2008). Strategies for qualitative data analysis. Basics of Qualitative Research. Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory, 3(10.4135), 9781452230153.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative (Vol. 7). Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  • Creswell, J.W. & Creswell, J.D. (2013). Research Design qualitative, quantitative and mixed method approach, Sage Pub. (5th edt.) CA
  • Çelik, D. Dynamics of literature in a second language teaching and learning process (Master's thesis, Institute of Social Sciences).
  • Darmaz, V. (2020). Prospective English teachers' beliefs of self-efficacy on foreign language teaching through literary texts. Master's thesis, Atatürk University, Institute of Educational Studies.
  • Demirbüken, B. (2019). The Impact of Critical Thinking Training Through Literary Texts on Pre-service Teachers' Critical Thinking Skills. Doctoral dissertation, Marmara University.
  • Elgün, S. (2021). High school students' views about using literature in English classes. Master's thesis, Ufuk University, Institute of Social Studies. Elyıldırım, S. (1993). Using literature as a source in ELT classes (M.S. thesis). Atatürk University.
  • Genç, E. (2013). Young adult literature in EFL context: Attitudes of ELT students towards reading literary texts. Master's thesis, Çukurova University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Günbay, S. (2021). A qualitative evaluation of the effects of a thematic literature unit on students' motivation to learn English. Master's thesis, Middle East Technical University.
  • Hayırsöz, M. (2015). The use of literature in English language teaching. Master's thesis, Çağ University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Hedge, T. (1985, January 1). Using readers in language teaching (essential language teaching series). AbeBooks.
  • Hişmanoğlu, M. (2005). Teaching English through literature. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 1(1), 53-66.
  • Kalyoncu, A. (2016). The students' perceptions of literary texts in university level reading courses. Master's thesis, Çağ University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Kalyoncu, B. (2018). How does literature affect tertiary level EFL learners' autonomy, language learning attitude and language proficiency? Master's thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Educational Studies.
  • Khatib, M., & Nourzadeh, S. (2011). Some recommendations for integrating literature into EFL/ESL classrooms. International Journal of English Linguistics, 1(2), 258.
  • Kolcu, G. (2020). A study on the role of literature in language learning: Secondary school EFL learners' experiences on integrating short stories into language teaching. Master's thesis, Karadeniz Technical University.
  • Kökler, D. (2019). Using literature circles in teaching English to young learners. Master's thesis, Istanbul Aydın University.
  • Küçükhıdır, G. (2018). Yabancı dil öğretiminde edebi metinlerin kullanılması. Master's thesis, Istanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University
  • Külah, E. (2021). The effect of literature circles on language skills in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Master's thesis, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University.
  • Krasniqi, S. (2019). Issues and benefits of the literature inclusion into English language teaching. Journal of International Social Research, 12(68), 233–240.
  • Lima, C. (2005). Is the rest silence…? IATEFL (186).
  • McKay, S. (1982). Literature in the ESL classroom. Tesol Quarterly, 16(4), 529-536. Öktem, Ö. A constructivist humanistic approach to the teaching of language through literature: Whole person (Master's thesis, Institute of Social Sciences).
  • Peker, E. (2019). Exploring Turkish young learners' attitudes towards using literary texts in English classes for cultural awareness. Master's thesis, Çağ University, Institute of Social Sciences. Sapıtmaz, S. (2005). Teaching English as a foreign language through literature. Master's thesis, Yeditepe University.
  • Savvidou, C. (2004). An integrated approach to the teaching of literature in the EFL classroom. The Internet TESL Journal, 12. Retrieved from
  • Sell, J. P. (2005). Why teach literature in the foreign language classroom. Encuentro, 15(1), 86-93.
  • Spack, R. (1985). Literature, reading, writing, and ESL: Bridging the gaps. Tesol Quarterly, 19(4), 703-725.
  • Şahin, G. (2018). An evaluation of high school English coursebook reading texts and suggesting authentic literary texts with lesson plans. Master's thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Educational Studies.
  • Veziroğlu, F. N. (2013). The ways of increasing students' participation level in business English classes: Integrating multiple intelligence theory into teaching and using literature (Master's thesis, Institute of Social Sciences).
  • Widdowson, H. (1975). Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature. London: Longman.
  • Yalçınkaya, Z. (2011). The use of literary texts in EFL classroom. Master's thesis, Fırat University, The Institute of Social Sciences

"Nurturing Language Proficiency Through Literary Exploration in EFL Settings: A Comprehensive Document Analysis"

Year 2023, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 193 - 211, 02.02.2024


The utilization of literary materials within English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instructional contexts has exerted a profound influence within academic domains over the course of time. However, this practice has concurrently evoked contentious debates within the educational field, thereby necessitating scholarly efforts to discern strategies for its effective integration and to discern the underlying dynamics contributing to the apparent disjunction between theoretical propositions and instructional implementation. The current study, which centers its inquiry upon the foundational tenets and pragmatic implications inherent in the incorporation of literature within EFL pedagogy, endeavors to illuminate the ambivalent status of this practice. To this end, an examination of 24 distinct scholarly research is undertaken. Employing a document analysis methodology, this research critically assesses theses and dissertations originating from Turkey over a span of three decades. The outcomes of this investigation not only affirm the favorable outcomes associated with the integration of literature within EFL classrooms but also unveil several underexplored domains warranting heightened scholarly exploration. In effect, the study underscores the pedagogical value of literature while simultaneously pinpointing unexamined dimensions that merit sustained research attention.


  • Arboleda-Arboleda, A., & Castro-Garcés, A. Y. (2019). Fostering language learning in the university EFL classroom through literature: A task-based approach. GIST–Education and Learning Research Journal, (19), 101-127.
  • Alemi, M. (2011). The use of literary works in an EFL class. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 1(2), 177-180.
  • Baytar, İ. (2014). Integrating literature into an EFL setting: Turkish students’ attitudes towards the use of short story. Doctoral dissertation, Sakarya University.
  • Beğen, I. (2006). The critical thinking strategies that English literature teachers in private secondary schools use in their EFL English literature classes by exploiting literary texts. Marmara University
  • Bilgan, G. (2016). An investigation of students' approaches to studying and learning literature in ELT context. Master's thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Brumfit, C., & Carter, R. (Eds.). (1986). Literature and language teaching (Vol. 289). Oxford: Oxford university press.
  • Carter, R.A and Long, M.N, Teaching Literature, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991
  • Collie, J. & Slater, S. (1987). Literature in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2008). Strategies for qualitative data analysis. Basics of Qualitative Research. Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory, 3(10.4135), 9781452230153.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative (Vol. 7). Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  • Creswell, J.W. & Creswell, J.D. (2013). Research Design qualitative, quantitative and mixed method approach, Sage Pub. (5th edt.) CA
  • Çelik, D. Dynamics of literature in a second language teaching and learning process (Master's thesis, Institute of Social Sciences).
  • Darmaz, V. (2020). Prospective English teachers' beliefs of self-efficacy on foreign language teaching through literary texts. Master's thesis, Atatürk University, Institute of Educational Studies.
  • Demirbüken, B. (2019). The Impact of Critical Thinking Training Through Literary Texts on Pre-service Teachers' Critical Thinking Skills. Doctoral dissertation, Marmara University.
  • Elgün, S. (2021). High school students' views about using literature in English classes. Master's thesis, Ufuk University, Institute of Social Studies. Elyıldırım, S. (1993). Using literature as a source in ELT classes (M.S. thesis). Atatürk University.
  • Genç, E. (2013). Young adult literature in EFL context: Attitudes of ELT students towards reading literary texts. Master's thesis, Çukurova University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Günbay, S. (2021). A qualitative evaluation of the effects of a thematic literature unit on students' motivation to learn English. Master's thesis, Middle East Technical University.
  • Hayırsöz, M. (2015). The use of literature in English language teaching. Master's thesis, Çağ University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Hedge, T. (1985, January 1). Using readers in language teaching (essential language teaching series). AbeBooks.
  • Hişmanoğlu, M. (2005). Teaching English through literature. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 1(1), 53-66.
  • Kalyoncu, A. (2016). The students' perceptions of literary texts in university level reading courses. Master's thesis, Çağ University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Kalyoncu, B. (2018). How does literature affect tertiary level EFL learners' autonomy, language learning attitude and language proficiency? Master's thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Educational Studies.
  • Khatib, M., & Nourzadeh, S. (2011). Some recommendations for integrating literature into EFL/ESL classrooms. International Journal of English Linguistics, 1(2), 258.
  • Kolcu, G. (2020). A study on the role of literature in language learning: Secondary school EFL learners' experiences on integrating short stories into language teaching. Master's thesis, Karadeniz Technical University.
  • Kökler, D. (2019). Using literature circles in teaching English to young learners. Master's thesis, Istanbul Aydın University.
  • Küçükhıdır, G. (2018). Yabancı dil öğretiminde edebi metinlerin kullanılması. Master's thesis, Istanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University
  • Külah, E. (2021). The effect of literature circles on language skills in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Master's thesis, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University.
  • Krasniqi, S. (2019). Issues and benefits of the literature inclusion into English language teaching. Journal of International Social Research, 12(68), 233–240.
  • Lima, C. (2005). Is the rest silence…? IATEFL (186).
  • McKay, S. (1982). Literature in the ESL classroom. Tesol Quarterly, 16(4), 529-536. Öktem, Ö. A constructivist humanistic approach to the teaching of language through literature: Whole person (Master's thesis, Institute of Social Sciences).
  • Peker, E. (2019). Exploring Turkish young learners' attitudes towards using literary texts in English classes for cultural awareness. Master's thesis, Çağ University, Institute of Social Sciences. Sapıtmaz, S. (2005). Teaching English as a foreign language through literature. Master's thesis, Yeditepe University.
  • Savvidou, C. (2004). An integrated approach to the teaching of literature in the EFL classroom. The Internet TESL Journal, 12. Retrieved from
  • Sell, J. P. (2005). Why teach literature in the foreign language classroom. Encuentro, 15(1), 86-93.
  • Spack, R. (1985). Literature, reading, writing, and ESL: Bridging the gaps. Tesol Quarterly, 19(4), 703-725.
  • Şahin, G. (2018). An evaluation of high school English coursebook reading texts and suggesting authentic literary texts with lesson plans. Master's thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Educational Studies.
  • Veziroğlu, F. N. (2013). The ways of increasing students' participation level in business English classes: Integrating multiple intelligence theory into teaching and using literature (Master's thesis, Institute of Social Sciences).
  • Widdowson, H. (1975). Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature. London: Longman.
  • Yalçınkaya, Z. (2011). The use of literary texts in EFL classroom. Master's thesis, Fırat University, The Institute of Social Sciences
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects English As A Second Language
Journal Section Articles

Hanife Salbaş 0000-0002-7889-3588

Publication Date February 2, 2024
Submission Date August 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Salbaş, H. (2024). "Nurturing Language Proficiency Through Literary Exploration in EFL Settings: A Comprehensive Document Analysis". ELT Research Journal, 12(2), 193-211.