The right of publication for all research paper which was published or was accepted for publication in International Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies belongs to the journal; neither entire articles nor any part of the articles, tables, images / shapes cannot be published elsewhere without the permission of the editorial board. Scientific responsibility of the articles belongs to the author; the Editorial Board cannot be held responsible for this. The submitted manuscripts must be unpublished or must not be accepted for publication at elsewhere before. Quotations from articles are permitted with full reference to the article.
The manuscripts should be submitted via online manuscript evaluation system ( The copyright of the submitted articles are considered to be transferred to the journal. The paper should be prepared as a Word document using font size 12 Times New Roman characters, double-spaced and with 2.5 cm margins on each side, top and bottom.
The papers submitted to IJECES are expected to comply with the principles and rules defined in the 6th edition (2010) American Psychological Association (APA) publication manual. Below there is a template of the paper and guidelines regarding to the preparation of citation and references.
1. Writings should be checked in accordance with the rules of the spelling dictionary of Turkish Language Society. If possible Turkish words should be preferred and used instead of foreign words. If there is an unfamiliar word in Turkish, the original version of the words should be given in parentheses (Both Turkish and English).
2. The paper should be prepared as a plain text on a Word document in Times New Roman on an A4 white paper with 2.5 cm margins on each side, top and bottom (on a space of 16 x 24.7) using mono space.
a. The title should be center aligned, bold using title case and font size 16.
b. Main texts should be in font size 12 in one column and both sides aligned.
c. The name of the author should be written using font size 12 with the surname in full case and center aligned. If there is more than one author, names should be written side by side respectively depending on their contributions to the study. There should be a footnote indicated with an asterisk (*) involving author(s)’job title(s), name of the workplace, if any, names of the institution, university or laboratory in which the study conducted and finally the e-mail address. Abstract should be written in font size 10 and no more than 250 words in one column. If the paper is written in Turkish than the title should be ‘’Öz’’. If it’s in English, then it should be titled as ‘’Abstract’’. There should be no citations in Öz or Abstract. Key words should be titled as ‘’Anahtar Sözcükler’’ in the Turkish article (btw 3-5 words). Papers which will be published in Turkish should include both Öz and Abstract in both languages. Likewise, the articles in English should also include the abstract in Turkish and English.
d. Sections and Sub-sections: Main text titles should be left aligned, bold and in title case. Sub section titles should also be left aligned, bold, italic and in title case. As for the titles under the sub-sections, they should be italic but not bold.
3. In empirical studies, the titles should follow the order that is given below:
Ø Introduction
Ø Method
Ø Population and sample / experimental group / participants / subjects
Ø Data Collection Tools / Techniques
Ø Procedure
Ø Data Analysis
Ø Results
Ø Conclusion & Discussion
Ø References
4. For review papers the authors are free to outline their titles; however, they still need to comply with APA rules.
5. For scale development studies titles are given below respectively:
Ø Introduction
Ø Item writing
Ø Preliminary Test
Ø ( could be more than one), sample and conditions
Ø Item analysis
Ø Reliability test
Ø Validity test
Ø Assessment of scale points
Ø Conclusion and Discussion
Ø References
6. Preparing references: At the end of the article, before the appendix(ces) if any, the references should be listed. References should be written one after another in font size 10 with wide spacing.
a. Books: Book names should be written in title case (except for proper nouns) and surnames should be written before the name.
One author:
Aiken, L. R. (1988). Psychological testing and assessment. 6th edtion. USA: Allyn and Bacon, Inc
Two authors:
Thorndike, R. L. ve Hagen, E. P. (1961).Measurement and evaluation in psychology and education. 2nd edition. USA: Wiley International Edition
Editor or complier as author:
Ellis, A. (1973). Rational-emotive psychotheraphy, In Patterson, C.H. (Ed.), Theories of counseling and psychotherapy (ss. 49-57).New York, Harper and Row Publishers.
Translated Books:
Stora, J. B. (1994). Stres (Çev. Kalın A.) İstanbul: İletişimYayınları.
b. Journal Articles
Muthén, B. (1991). Multilevel factor analysis of class and student achievement components.Journal of Educational Measurement, 28, 338-354.
c. Dissertations
Baykul, Y. (1979). Örtük özellikler ve klasik test kuramları üzerine bir karşılaştırma (title of the dissertation), Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi (unpublished pHD dissertation) , HacettepeÜniversitesi (university) , Ankara (city) .
d. Report
Baykul, Y. (1994). İlköğretim Okullarında Matematik Öğretimine Bir Bakış.İlköğretim
Okullarında Matematik Öğretimi ve Sorunları. Ankara: TürkEğitimDerneğiYayınları
e. Electronic Media
For the references of all the webpage- not just for certain pages in the webpage- it is enough to just give the webpage address.
f. Announcement
g. Children’s Defense Fund.(25 Şubat 2000). Urge Congress to support increase investments in child care, head start and after-school in the FY2001 Budget [Duyuru]. Washington, DC: Autor. İnternetten 13 Mart 2000′de elde edilmiştir: .
7. Citations:
h. One Author
“Aiken (1988), ……”; “According to Aiken (1988) ………”; “(Aiken, 1988)”.
i. Two Authors
“Crocker and Algina (1986), …….”; “According to Crocker and Algina (1986)…”; “(Crocker and Algina, 1986)”.
j. 3 to 5 Authors
If a work has more than two authors (but fewer than six), cite all authors the first time the reference occurs; (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiren, and Schaufeli, 2000) include the last name followed by "et al." and the year in subsequent citations of the same reference : “(Ulusoy et al., 1999)” “(Demerouti, et al., 2000)”.
k. 6 or more than 6 authors
Cite the last name of the first author followed by ‘’et al.’’ and the year: “(Özdemir et al., 2002)”. However, in the references all the authors must be written.
l. The order of several works by different authors with the same surname is arranged by the first initial: “G. Underwood (1998) and J. D. Underwood (1999).
m. If there is more than one work of the same author with the same date, arrange the citation by adding a letter to the publication date: “(Berke, 2002a)”; “(Berke, 2002b)”.
n. Citing more than one author at the same time is arranged by following an alphabetical order of the authors’ last names: The researches (Cronbach and Meehl, 1951; Messick, 1995; Mislevy, 2007) show that……
o. Citing from a secondary source: The secondary source is given in the reference list. However, in the text, the original authors are cited and the secondary source is indicated as ‘’as cited in’’: (as cited in, Coltheart, 2001).”; “(Grayson and Meilman; as cited in, Perineve Lisle, 1995).”
8. Figures
All figures should be numbered. The title of a figure should be written beneath the figure with the number in title case. If the figure is taken from a source, it should be indicated in parentheses beneath the figure. Figures must be cited in the text.
9. Tables
Tables should also be numbered and titles should be given above the tables in title case. Tables should be given in the text using table numbers. Notes or references regarding the tables should be given beneath them indicated by ‘’Note:’’ or ‘’Reference:’’
10. Appendices
Appendices should be given in a new page. It usually involves the scales used in the study.
11. Extended Abstract
There should be an abstract consisting of 750-1000 words after the ‘’References’’ section. If the article language is Turkish, the extended abstract should be in English, and vice versa. If the article is written in a language other than these two, the extended abstract should be both in English and in Turkish. Extended abstract should be written in font size 12 using Times New Roman. This section should be arranged under the titles of ‘’Introduction’’, ‘’Method’’, ‘’Results’’ and ‘’Discussion’’. There should be no direct citations in extended abstract.
12. For any possible distortion in the text, the person or institution(s) that have done citation or publishing are held legally responsible.
13. The paper should be sent as one document only. The sections should not be in different folders or different documents.